About Us

RANGE is an independent studio whose members are landscape, architecture, policy and planning practitioners who also teach in top universities. We draw on the energy and critical thinking skills of our colleagues and graduate students to offer deep research, breadth of comparative analysis, design innovation and visualization on projects at modest cost. This base of operations means that we don’t always need to work within the cost structure of a typical consultancy. We work for community groups, mayors, regional planning associations, farm bureaus, water boards, and environmental justice alliances. We work with clients to create dynamic learning experiences for all involved.

All RANGE projects are led by strong integrators. We tap local intelligence and the diverse insight of outstanding ecologists, economists, architects, organizers, artists, engineers, real estate consultants, public finance strategists and communication designers. Together, we help people find openings for change in long-standing arrangements of capital, material, policy, and belief, and we apply our physical design skills to find ways to make the most of those openings.

Some of the kinds of problems we like to work on are: climate adaptation options for coastal communities, design tools and kits for industrial companies to increase site productivity, physical and policy means to strengthen high-yield agricultural valleys so they produce more than cheap food, new waterfront regulations for sea level rise and materials innovation, and public space that embodies community plans. If you have an interesting problem, we are sometimes able to take it on as part of our own research, rather than working on a fee for service basis.